2024 General Meeting – Halle (Saale), Germany

Group photo of participants

Our 2024 annual meeting took place, this in year, from 16 to 18th of April in the fabulous Halle, by the river Saale, in Germany, hosted by our member BFW from the city.

With almost 60 participants from 25 of our members coming from 16 different European countries, this was one of the most attended General Meetings off all timer, for ENVITER.

The usual 3 full days dedicated to following your network goals had a balanced program that included presentations about ideas for future projects, our formal General Meeting and this year Conference on Wednesday subject to the theme Moving and Being Moved Towards Social Inclusion”, during which we had the following presentations:

  1. LOC.id, a Key to the Next Generation of Mobility, by Thomas Krämer (Berlin, Germany)
  2. EMVI app, by Henri De Vroey (Belgium)
  3. Project DIG.I.T.ABLE, by Alexandrina Kostova (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)
  4. Objectification of Subjective Visual Stress – New Dynamic Measurement Methods in Optometry, by Anja Müller and Karina Jendrischik (Halle, Germany)
  5. People with Neurological Visual Impairments: An Insufficiently Cared For Group of Visually Impaired People, by André Kunnig (Halle, Germany)
  6. Increasing Knowledge among Caregivers about Providing Support to Persons with Autism and Vision Impairment, by Annie van den Heuvel (Vught, The Netherlands)
  7. Moving Towards Inclusion through European Mobility Projects, by Ramona Ionela Muresan and Elisabeta Pintilie (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

During these 3 there was also time to experience BFW Halle’s “Sensory World” (a space specially prepared to promote information and awareness regarding visual impairment) and the Halle Planetarium, with its very interesting and innovative work towards making Astronomy accessible to everyone.