2nd VR Conference Was a Big Success
The second online conference, was held on January 26th, 2023. The conference was very confidently moderated by Emanuela Zaimi from the Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs (Austria). Five speakers presented their results about:
– Virtual Reality (VR) in mobility training
– VR in vocational training of technical professions
– Accessible VR
The conference was a big success. We welcomed at times up to 47 guests who participated online, while 12 staff from the project partners attended in person.
The presentations were supported by subtitles and sign language interpreters to improve the accessibility of this event. The presentations were recorded and are now available on the project homepage https://www.vr4vip.net/activities-visually-impaired/presentations-2nd-online-conference/
The last conference of this project will take place on June 27th, 2023 and covers the subject “VR in the medical field of visual impairment”