Learning from Experience: the future of learning for seniors in Europe.
Budapest, Hungary 30th September – 1st October 2013.

The second conference and consultation of the ForAge network is being held in Hungary on the above dates – which embrace and celebrate the International Day of Older People.

This year’s event wishes to draw from the vast range of learning opportunities funded across Europe in recent years, as well as better understand future funding opportunities and the policy imperatives which underpin them.

At the moment the programme is being completed but I would wish you to put these dates in your dairy and/or contact the event organiser Barbara Varga-Pinter or Jim Soulsby for further information or to register interest in attending, contributing to a workshop, or presenting a paper or poster.

As this is a pan European event you may be able to apply to your national agent for funding.

Larnaka, Cyprus 6th – 10th November 2013. Sustaining learning in later life.

The 6th later life and intergenerational training programme is being held in Larnaka on the above dates. This programme has really developed in the last five years attracting over 160 delegates from 28 different European countries.

This has now encouraged us to change the programme to build on all those experiences and enable past participants to return and build even further on their knowledge and experience, as well as provide an excellent learning environment for those just embarking on work in this area and wanting to develop their own ideas and knowledge

The closing date for applications to your national agency is 30th April 2013. For further information or to progress your application please e-mail Klitos Symeonides.

We are pleased to inform you about the second Annual SensAge Conference “Ageing People with Sensory Disabilities – Quality of Services and Their Impact”

This will take place in Istanbul, on the 2 July 2013, within the framework of the 8th ICEVI-European Conference on Education and Rehabilitation of people with visually impairment.

The Conference will focus on the sharing of knowledge, practice and experiences and on the identification of issues, within the remit of SensAge being the Reference Point in Europe for Ageing People with Sensory Disabilities.

We thank the organising and host committees of ICEVI-E for their cooperation and partnership in enabling this Conference of SensAge to be held within the common framework of both Networks.

All participants are welcome to take part in both the ICEVI-E and SensAge Conferences, but separate registration is required for each Conference.


Event capacity: 500
Event location: India, New Delhi
Event data: 09/09/2012 – 09/21/2012

Transed 2012
Svayam, an initiative of S. J. Charitable Trust, India is proud to announce that the 13th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2012) will take place in India from September 17-21, 2012.

The Theme of TRANSED 2012:
“Seamless access for all: Universal Design in Transport systems and built infrastructure, a key element in the creation of livable cities.”

Sub Themes
Role of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)
Best Practices and Innovations
Accessible Tourism: Conservation, Access to the Historic and Natural Heritage
Environmental Impact, Sustainability, and Accessibility of Integrated Multi-modal Systems
Accessible Public Transport (Bus Rapid Transit, Metro, Para-transit systems etc.)
Highway Design and Safety
Pedestrian Mobility & Safety for Livable Communities.

Rural Access and Mobility
Implementation, monitoring and enforcement
Potential of Technology in Accessibility for All (Information Technology, Accessibility Aids etc.)

Language of the Conference
The conference will be held in English.

Have you ever thought about what inspired you to take the most difficult decision in your life?

Think about it and you will realize that it’s the stories of people that you have met or heard of that serve as the strongest source of inspiration! Stories of our parents, role models, and people that we admire!

Inclusive Planet is a social web for the visually impaired. It occurred to them – why not use Inclusive Planet to bring together stories told by visually impaired people? There are so many strong and amazing visually challenged people who have achieved so much in their lives! Why not encourage them to share their stories with the world? They decided to ask their members to talk about the challenges that they have faced in life, education, or while looking for employment, about their aspirations and advice they can give to others.

They started creating short videos of people telling their stories and now have some amazing stories to share with you! You can listen to the first 9 stories on the Inclusive Stories page.

European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.

It is already a well-known fact that people in Europe are aging rapidly.
According to the latest researches of the World Health Organization (WHO) the median age of the Europeans is the highest in the world and the proportion of people aged 65 and older is forecast to increase from 14% in 2010 to 25% in 2050. Thanks to the positive developments in health treatment and social achievements, today people in Europe are living longer but their chances of spending these later years in good health and well-being vary between countries and in accordance with their health status.

These developments in longevity can be considered as an extraordinary achievement but they also will be a great challenge for the future: ensuring the quality of life of an unprecedentedly large elderly population. In particular, for social and health service providers, as well as families and policy makers at both national and European levels this phenomenon represents various problems that needs to be solved but also many opportunities. Most citizens feel that people aged 55 years and older play a major role in key aspects of society-family, politics, in the community and the economy. Opinions are divided as to whether in the future they should play more of a role or the same role as now in each of the areas, but those aged 55 years and over tend to feel they should have more of a role.

In order to address these demographic changes the European Union declared 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. The year is intended to raise awareness of the contribution that older people make to society. It seeks to encourage policymakers and relevant stakeholders at all levels to take action with
the aim of creating better opportunities for active ageing and strengthening solidarity between generations.

One of the very serious aspects of those demographic changes in Europe that needs to be addressed is the quality of life of people with disabilities. In the framework of the research done for the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, launched in December 2010, the European Commission has identified persons with disabilities and elderly people as being at high risk of falling into poverty and social exclusion. This means that elderly people with disabilities are facing double disadvantages and risks in society. Elderly persons with disabilities are also more likely to live in residential institutions and often do not have the opportunity to choose their place of residence and with whom they would like to live. The adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in 2006, which promotes quality of life, choice and inclusion in society of people with disabilities, has already marked a huge step forward to launch the discussions and create awareness at political level. Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go in order to meet the needs of older persons with disabilities and to ensure their inclusion in society.

During the last years EASPD brought the discussion on the special needs of elderly persons with disabilities on the political agenda by organizing and participating in various events and projects dedicated to the topic.

Read all in the attached SensAge Newsletter March 2012.