ForAge International Conference, Budapest, 30 Sept.-1 Oct. 2013


ForAge International Conference:

The Future of Learning for Older People in Europe

Learning from Experience

30 September – 1 October 2013

Budapest, Hungary

To coincide with the United Nations International Day of Older People on 1 October, the ForAge Grundtvig Multilateral Network is holding a Pan-European Conference to examine trends and developments in learning in later-life and what can be learned from the experience of European initiatives in this field.

The programme includes the following topics:

The context for later-life learning in 21st Century Europe and the role of ForAge

Improving the quality of training of those trying to reach potential older learners

The benefits of later-life learning and the supporting evidence

Experiences of other European networks as information sources and influencers as well as providing expert opinion about future actions
Perspectives from international adult education organisations
Emerging issues and the further development of later-life learning
Older learners’ perspectives
Oral and poster presentations of European Projects on later-life learning.