International Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology, International Journal of Experimental, Clinical Behavioural, Regenerative and Technological Gerontology.
Gerontology, comprehensive coverage of gerontological research, also coverage of visual and hearing impairment.
Aims and Scope:
As the ratio of people over sixty-five continues to rise, understanding the basic mechanisms of aging and age-related diseases has become a matter of urgent necessity. ‘Gerontology’ responds to this need by drawing topical contributions from diverse medical, biological, behavioural and technological disciplines. Recent research on the clinical problems of aging and the practical application of laboratory results are also included to support the fundamental goals of extending active life and enhancing its quality. Informative Mini-Reviews, Viewpoints as well as a critical Debate Section for stimulating, speculative articles carry strong reader approval. The Experimental Section contains contributions from basic gerontological research. Papers submitted for the Clinical Section discuss aetiology, pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of diseases in old age from a gerontological rather than a geriatric viewpoint. Papers dealing with behavioural development and related topics are published in the Behavioural Science Section. An extra Section covers research exploring basic aspects of regeneration in biological systems as well as regenerative medical approaches and deals with technological devices for the elderly.
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