Centre for the Blind and Partially Sighted in Krakow
Founded in 1948, the Centre provides education, advice and rehabilitation for blind, partially sighted and multiple impaired children and youth between the ages of 6 and 24 (altogether 6 schools at all educational levels – a primary school, 3 types of secondary schools, a college of further education and a primary music school). It also comprises the Early Intervention Department for children under the age of 6, a boarding house and a library.
Vocational education takes place at both secondary and post-secondary level, at present preparing students for 9 jobs: landscape architecture technician, gardener (only partially sighted), florist, wicker weaver, office technician, administrative technician, IT technician specializing in assistive technology, sound engineering technician and massage technician.
Moreover, the Centre offers qualified support of psychologists, educators and complex rehabilitation care: audio-psycho-linguistic stimulation (Tomatis), vision, speech, music and educational therapies, developing daily living skills, training in mobility and orientation, as well as a wide range of therapies for increasing mobility and posture correction, including kinesitherapy, physiotherapy (hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, electromagnetic pain therapy, low-level laser therapy) or classic massage, with the use of various methods and concepts, e.g. PNF stretching, NDT/Bobath, MDT/McKenzie, MWM/ Mulligan, manual therapy. The Centre provides also vocational consultancy for its students (School Career Centre) and counselling services for parents and mainstream school teachers.
Apart from rehabilitation programmes, the students are offered an opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities which facilitate many-sided development of interests and skills. They attend a large number of clubs, workshops, integration events, trips etc. Their achievements in art, music, literature or sport (indoor rowing, athletics, swimming, sailing, football, goalball, showdown) increase their motivation and self-confidence
We recognize students as unique individuals and address their diverse needs providing an optimal environment for effective personal development. Our aim is to help children reach their potential and prepare them for successful adult life, equipped with knowledge, skills and self-esteem necessary to cope with future challenges. We wish to instil in them a sense of respect for Poland’s cultural heritage parallel to openness to European and world culture.
Public contacts:
Zespół Szkół i Placówek pn. „Centrum dla Niewidomych i Słabowidzących” w Krakowie
ul. Tyniecka 6,
30-319 Krakow