Child Vision


ChildVision Logo

About us:

ChildVision is a national centre supporting families and their children or young adults who have a visual impairment or a visual impairment and additional disabilities. We work with children from birth and young adults up to the age of 25 years from all parts of Ireland.

Our main campus is located in Dublin and we have a satellite or regional centre in Cork. We have over 160 staff working to provide or support a range of services including Family Services and Outreach, National Assessment Service, Clinical and Therapy Services, Early Years Service, Education Support, Lifelong Learning, Term Time Living (Residential, Social Car Programme), Reading Services, Library and Assistive Technology and Continuing Professional Development.

Our purpose is to provide a safe, nurturing environment where all children and young adults with a visual impairment or visual impairment and additional disabilities are treated as individuals and brought on their own specific voyage of learning; supporting them to become independent, happy, resourceful members of their communities.

Our approach is holistic, person centred and respectful. We aim to provide a welcoming and comfortable space for everyone who uses our services.

We work together across departments and disciplines to ensure that each child or young adult receives the service designed to meet their individual needs and maximise their potential to participate in the life and activities of their choice.

ChildVision is a learning organisation. It is committed to sharing that learning with others. Our Family Services offers an annual calendar of events to parents and professionals.

We have developed and deliver a number of courses with external accreditation or quality assurance:

  • Learn Braille is quality assured by the Irish National Braille and Alternative Formats Association (INBAF)
  • Therapeutic Riding Coach Course is accredited by Horse Sport Ireland and The Association of Irish Riding Establishments (AIRE)


Contact Persons:

Geraldine Neill
(Vision Services Development Manager)


Public contacts:
+353 1 8373635



Postal Address

Child Vision
Grace Park Road
Dublin 9

Member Location