Institut Public Ocens
The Institut Public Ocens is a medical-social establishment with a long history in the Loire Atlantique region.
Ocens offers medico-social services to children and adults living with sensory impairment, language disorders, autism spectrum disorders, global developmental delay and/or associated disorders.
Ocens is a resource for the region.
The Institut Public Ocens is a key player in supporting the educational, social and professional inclusion of the people it cares for. The Institute is recognized for its efforts to promote full social participation and self-determination.
In collaboration with all its partners, Ocens is developing a dynamic approach to adapting its service offering in response to the needs of the populations it supports, and in co-responsibility with them.
Through its resource support missions, its expertise and its capacity for innovation, Ocens also contributes to making the environment inclusive and sustainable.
Children’s sector: outpatient services, Outsourced Teaching Units, Section d’Initiation et de Première Formation Professionnelle ;
Adult sector: « Etablissement et service de Réadaptation Professionnelle »(ESRP), SAMSAH, SAVS, « Equipe Technique d’Evaluation MDPH », « Prestations d’Appui Spécifiques » AGEFIPH, Access EHPAD ;
Medico-educational center: Specialized medico-educational institute, SESSAD, CAMSP.
Support and resource center: Sensivise, services on request, sensory impairment awareness training;
Contact Persons:
Matthieu Laffont
Public contacts:
+3302 40 75 63 15
Institut Public Ocens
2 rue René Dunan – CS 66216
44262 Nantes