The Regional Institute Rittmeyer for the Blind


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About us:

The Rittmeyer Institute, after a century from its foundation, is a public administration offering services and assistance to blind and visually impaired people. The Institute, while working primarily on a regional scale, is known throughout Italy for its activities and the achievement of high-level interventions in favor of the visually impaired.

Moreover the Institute has been dealing with training professionals for over 10 years throughout Italy gathering a wide experience in the field that’s now ready to disseminate and share. Contacts with different realities is then the occasion to extend its experience in the social care field for old and young people, suffering from disabilities and in particular those blind and visually impaired.

In particular the Rittmeyer Institute is trying to co-operate with different institutions in order to verify on one side the transfer of innovation and on the other one to help other institutions improving their methodologies and activities.

The Institute is also trying to extend its own activities on a European level, finding more partners to develop European projects related to new methodologies and new technologies in order to improve our own activities and create the basis for an international network and give way to our implementation of European Projects, in addition to which we’re also ready to maximize the value of the transnational exchange, promoting the circulation of good practice, and thus ensuring the wider impact of results.


Contact Person:
Guglielmo Montagnana
General Director

Public contacts:
+39 040-4198911


Postal Address

Istituto Regionale Rittmeyer per i ciechi
Viale Miramare 119
Trieste TS

Member Location