Start and end date: 01/08/2010 to 31/07/2012
Funding frame: EU: LEONARDO DA VINCI
Duration: 24 months
Project coordinator: BFW Düren
Contact person: Jürgen Hüllen
Contact person email: (link sends e-mail)
Contact person phone: +49 2421-598238
Project aim
This project aims to improve the employment opportunities for blind women, by promoting a new occupation in the field of health care. This occupation, called “Clinical Breast Examiner” (CBE) was successfully developed and implemented in Germany under the brand name “discovering hands”.
This new occupation makes use of the sophisticated tactile perception of blind women to detect breast cancer in executing a standardised method of palpation diagnostic. This occupation and its course is exclusively designed for blind women and the national regulations, prerequisites and requirements for the vocational training (VET) and occupation in the German health care system.
The applied partnership project is required to evaluate and initialize the important preliminary administrative measures for implementing a new course in the partner countries. A transfer of this course to other European countries can’t be simply realised by only translating the training course and the learning and teaching materials. An implementaion of this course in other European countries is dependent on the specific national health care system and the regulations of VET in health care occupations. Furthermore it is important to introduce the training centres and the training staff, who will be involved in delivering such training to the standardised diagnosis system and the comprehensive course system right through from the assessment to the examination of participants. The applied partnership project will empower all partners to investigate, evaluate and prepare all legal and administrative prerequisites necessary for the implementation of this new occupation in each of the partner countries in the frame of a LEONARDO DA VINCI innovation-transfer project.
EU Logo – Project Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union