Start and end date: 01/02/2022 to 31/07/2023
Funding frame: ERASMUS+ KA02 Small Partnership
Duration: 18 months
Project coordinator: BFW Düren
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Project aim
The increasing use of VR systems in education and the expected increase in sales in this area suggest that this technology will become an important factor in the digitalisation of education. It is therefore essential that this technology quickly finds its way into the school and vocational training of visually impaired people so that they do not experience any disadvantages. Especially the integration into the labour market is difficult for visually impaired people. It is therefore imperative that this target group be introduced to the new digital technology in order to be competitive on the labour market. The workplaces of the future will also be equipped with VR , augmented reality (abbreviation: AR) and smart glasses.
However, in order to educate and train the target group adequately, the educational staff must be qualified accordingly. The main objective of this project is to collect and exchange information on existing experiences and research on VR.
Project results
The content of the project is to investigate regional and national VR research and education activities related to visually impaired people.
This activity will be carried out by all project partners. The results will be compiled in an online database where the identified research and education
The results will be summarised in an online database describing the identified research and education projects, hardware and software developments on VR technologies in relation to the target group.
Another content is also the sensitisation of the staff of the project partners and multipliers to this topic. The project partners should get an impression of corresponding developments in the partner country. In addition, there will be an exchange of experience regarding the VR systems already used by the partners and their experiences.
Project partners
- National Rehabilitation Centre for Blind, Bulgaria
- Instituttet for Blinde og Svagsynede, IBOS, Denmark
- ACTO e.V., Germany
- Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs, Austria
- Istituto Regionale Rittmeyer per i ciechi di Trieste, Italiy
- Fondazione Istituto dei Sordi di Torino ONLUS, Italy
EU Logo – Project Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union