Results Sensnet at Enviter Conference in Düren


Sensnet is a two-year project in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme. Composed by 7 partners from Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, France, United Kingdom and The Netherlands.

The largest cause of sensory impairments is the ageing process with over 60s. Rising life expectancy and increasing numbers of older people in the population in Europe means a growing number of individuals are affected by visual and hearing impairments. A key challenge related to the quality of life of older people with impairments is the training and skills of the professionals working in care services addressed for this specific target group.

The organizations participating in Sensnet belong to any of the European networks Enviter and Hipen and have collected information about the concrete learning needs of the professionals working with ageing people with sensory impairments.

On September 29th the Sensnet project group presented the intellectual outcomes so far, to Enviter in Düren, Germany. Sensnet has made a methodological guide which describes how the modules are assembled. In addition to the methodological guide to online courses, there is also a how-to guide for writing a guide for the modules.

In the project, Sensnet is building a platform on the internet, where the modules will come. During the presentation of Sensnet in Düren they’ve showed a part of the platform. Hopefully, in the future, the modules originate from Sensnet will be on the EASI platform, The European Academy for Sensory Impairments.