SAVE THE DATE: 10TH ICEVI European Conference
Once in every four years a European Conference in the field of people with visual impairments is organized by the International Council for Education and Rehabilitation of People with Visual Impairment, Europe Region (ICEVI-Europe), in cooperation with a host committee and local partners.
ICEVI-Europe in cooperation with ENVITER member Robert Hollman Foundation proudly announce the milestone tenth European Conference in 2025. The 10th ICEVI-European Conference will be held from May 15 to May 17, 2025 at the Town Hall and University of Padova in Italy, thanks to the hospitality and collaboration of the Municipality of Padova and the University of Padova.
Join to actively take part in the exchange of knowledge and expertise and sharing of best practices within a network of people and institutions promoting the inclusion of people with visual impairment, as we explore this year’s theme: “Supporting children and young adults with visual impairment: What can we do? What can be done?”
The Conference, which will bring together hundreds of professionals from all over Europe, will focus on how support, using a multidisciplinary approach, can foster a better quality of life for children and young adults with visual impairment. Presentations will be an opportunity to share experiences on four important areas of interest: individual development and assessment; education and learning; habilitation and rehabilitation; access, participation, engagement in society. The final goal of the conference is the presentation of a Key Principles document provided to professionals who wish to offer a global approach which will support their work with children and young adults with visual impairment and their families.