Second SensAge Conference
We are pleased to inform you about the second Annual SensAge Conference “Ageing People with Sensory Disabilities – Quality of Services and Their Impact”
This will take place in Istanbul, on the 2 July 2013, within the framework of the 8th ICEVI-European Conference on Education and Rehabilitation of people with visually impairment.
The Conference will focus on the sharing of knowledge, practice and experiences and on the identification of issues, within the remit of SensAge being the Reference Point in Europe for Ageing People with Sensory Disabilities.
We thank the organising and host committees of ICEVI-E for their cooperation and partnership in enabling this Conference of SensAge to be held within the common framework of both Networks.
All participants are welcome to take part in both the ICEVI-E and SensAge Conferences, but separate registration is required for each Conference.