WEBINAR – VI and relations, intimacy, and sexuality


ENVITER and ICEVI Europe logos

On 21 September, for almost 2 hours, during the afternoon, ENVITER and ICEVI-Europe (International Council for Education and Re/habilitation of People with Visual Impairment, Europe) hosted a joint webinar on Visual Impairment and Relations, Intimacy, and Sexuality.

All blind or partially sighted people (from 0 to 100), regardless of their intellectual ability, should have access to correct knowledge about their body, relations, intimacy, and sexuality and should be given the opportunity to experience this all according to their wants and needs. This statement is the rational for the work at the national Dutch expertise group on relations, intimacy, and sexuality (RIS), made up of members from 3 different organizations: Royal Dutch Visio, Bartiméus and the Robert Coppes Foundation. And they invited all interested professionals to join an interactive international webinar on September 21 and share experience and knowledge: sexual development in the lifecycle, practical information and materials, results from scientific research project, personal stories from clients, casuistry, and ideas for attitude and conversations on this topic.


  • Suzanne Sparidans (Royal Dutch Visio)
  • Sandra van der Meijden (Royal Dutch Visio)
  • Yeshe Zoutenbier (Bartiméus)
  • Bram Vedder (Robert Coppes Foundation)

You can find the recording of this webinar in our ENVITER’s Youtube channel.

Other resources presented in the Webinar: